Permanent dust control!
DUSTEX® dust suppression systems:
DUSTEX water dispersion system, DUSTEX water spraying system, DUSTEX fog blower, DUSTEX sprinkler systems

Not only is dust troublesome, it is harmful to health. For this reasons, most countries have legal specifications which require reduction of dust emissions.
Effectively reduce dust using water
It is widely known that water is fundamentally suitable to reduce dust emissions, which can be plainly seen after a rain shower over typical sources of emission. However, with rain or sprinkler systems the material often becomes soaked and becomes silted. Targeted dust minimisation, on the other hand, means binding as much dust as possible using small quantities of water. This is a major advantage of the VSR DUSTEX®products: the dust is bound and the material does not become silted.
Of course, bulk material has the basic tendency of forming dust any time it is moved or processed. However, environmental conditions (temperature, air humidity, etc.) and the plant-specific conditions (delivery speed or fall height of the material) also have an effect on the creation of dust and must be factored in.
In other words, the configuration of a water spraying system for dust binding involves more than simply positioning a few nozzles. Our expertise based on years of solving such problems plays an essential role in assuring the effectiveness of spraying system. The effectiveness of dust binding with water depends on a number of factors. With DUSTEX® systems that are designed and installed by us, it is possible to comply with the current applicable legal specifications in Germany. Dust emissions have been lowered by more than 90% in a wide range of projects in which measurements were conducted. The limit value of 10 mg/m³ of air was safely undercut. Do you have to comply with even more stringent specifications? Contact us!
Mode of operation
The DUSTEX® product range comprises stationary and mobile water spraying systems for dust minimisation. The appropriate system for our customers is chosen and specifically developed according to the conditions of use and technical specifications.
All DUSTEX® applications are based on the same functional principle. With the binding of small water droplets with fluid dust particles, they also agglomerate into larger and heavier groups. As a result, the dust deposits locally into the stream of bulk material.
The DUSTEX® dispersion system is preferably used in closed or wind-still areas, because the dust is suppressed with the tiniest water droplets and returned to the conveyed material using very little water.
On the other hand, the larger droplets of DUSTEX® water spraying systems (or the DUSTEX® fog blower) are less susceptible to wind and have greater trajectories at the cost of a somewhat higher water usage rate.
DUSTEX dispersion system
The DUSTEX® dispersion system operates with water and compressed air as a two-component spraying system. It should always be used if the handling dust is very fine or the addition of moisture to the material should be avoided as far as possible. The purpose of the DUSTEX® dispersion system is to maximise the area of the discharged water and to capture the suspended dust locally in the place of origin and return in to the flow. This system enables compliance with very low emission levels and minimisation of fine dust emissions.
The core of the DUSTEX® dispersion system is our internally developed VSR two-component nozzle with resonance head in which the water is atomised with compressed air. The droplet spectrum of our two-component nozzles is 10-50 µm depending on the pressure. A water delivery rate from 10 l/h to 185 l/h per nozzle can be covered with the nozzle types available from VSR. The system can be flexibly adapted to real, local dust conditions.

DUSTEX water spraying systems
The DUSTEX® water spraying system operates with just water and covers a wide range of applications. It is used wherever outdoor handling situations cannot be enclosed, where somewhat higher water usage is not disturbing (or even desired) or because there is no available compressed air supply.
With the large selection of nozzles, the optimal spray pattern can be created for every application. With the operating pressure of up to 16 bar, the water is finely atomised. Depending on the nozzle type and operating pressure, the droplet spectrum is 50–150 µm, making it possible to effectively bind fine dust and reduce dust emission.

DUSTEX fog blower
The DUSTEX® fog blower is the mobile unit of the DUSTEX® product group. It is used wherever adaptation to continuously changing plant conditions is necessary, when dust is bound in larger areas or material in alternating heaps should be kept moist.
Like the DUSTEX® water spraying system, it operates with just water, with a pressure of 16 bar. It offers the user maximum flexibility thanks to its mobility.

DUSTEX sprinkler systems
DUSTEX® sprinkler systems complete our DUSTEX® assortment. These systems are a simple and functional option for minimising diffuse dust emissions which can occur for example during plant-internal transport by keeping travel routes damp over large areas. A constantly moist surface also prevents the volatility of the material in heap storage outdoors.

Service spectrum
VSR Industrietechnik GmbH Deutschland has supplied reliable and affordable solutions for “Problems with bulk material handling” since 1975. The DUSTEX® product range was added in the mid-1980s as a solution for dust minimisation.
Since then, the DUSTEX® dispersion and water spraying systems for dust minimisation have proven their effectiveness in practical use worldwide.
Based on experience, we can say that the requirements of our customers and the problems with their bulk materials are often unique. Therefore, it is important for us to tailor the solution for dust binding to the specific needs of the customer.
In order to fulfil this task and to offer each customer the optimal solutions for dust binding, VSR has various systems that make it possible to develop tailor-made water spraying concepts for all requirements.
Whether simple belt transfers or complete transport systems, complete cement or power plants, ship unloading or heap sprinkling, we offer you complete service covering everything from the engineering to commissioning, from start to finish.